Thursday, March 30, 2006

Back in 1999 a group of Jesus followers knew something drastic needed to happen to help Christendom. Thus, the 24-7 prayer movement began. Founded in Europe, this movement dedicated continual prayer throughout day and night for a consecutive month hoping to spurn on revival. The movement was so successful that it lasted for more than a month, more than a year, and continues even today.

On Sunday, April 2nd, the movement awakens in Arizona. For 24 hours during the week of April 2-9, Jesus followers will be lifting up Arizona to the Lord. The focus will be on the campus of Arizona State University. Having gone to that school for my undergrad work, I know it needs the prayer. Even though ASU is the focus, prayer will be lifted up for Phoenix in general also.

History has shown us that God wants prayer and responds to prayer. Will you join us? Anyone interested in mobilizing for this event please contact me via email or by "commenting" on this blog. I plan on going down every day and we can hash out times that everyone can go. Prayer blocs last for an hour. Having read the book about this prayer movement, Red Moon Rising, I can promise you God will meet us there and none of us will ever be the same........

For more info visit.....,

1 comment:

John Lynch said...

Yes! I will totally join in praying for Arizona! I'll take Monday, April 3, 10-11am. And thanks for posting this padna!