Thursday, March 09, 2006

Celibacy.....(what's that?!?!)

So, I thought I would tackle a light, non-controversial issue first....Haha. I really do not have any type of agenda in addressing celibacy initially. I am a Christian that is socially concerned; concerned with the way Christendom is living out the teachings of Jesus. This is just one aspect of many facets of our world that needs attention.

God is love, and being a part if being created in God's image means knowing love. We are designed to love, and will be unhappy and unsatisfied until we know deep love within our hearts. This type of love is found in a spiritual union with God first and foremost. Unless we first experience the luxurious love of God, human love will only be frailed and flawed.

Is it wrong to marry? Of course not. It can be a very God-centered endeavor and I know of many couples who have flourished in this union. The problem I have with marriage is the Western mindset that marriage is the "end all" for many Christians. Celibacy is not even talked about in the church or in other religious institutions. That is a problem. Thus, many never know the beautiful life of celibacy. Celibacy can give one a spiritual focus, a carefree abandon, and a physical mobility that provide the opportunity to focus solely on God and His work. Monks followed this calling because most of them thought marriage would distract them from worshipping God.

So, I know you are all wondering.......No, I have not claimed the life of celibacy. But it is an issue I have wrestled with God about and I do honestly feel that every single person should tackle this issue and most singles I know will or do not do it. There should be more interaction on this topic. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? The Word tells us that our goal is to become more like Jesus. Well, Jesus was single. Why are Evangelicals passing over this fact so easily; implying that it is not relevant to our lives.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. An experience most of us will have and is an institution honored by God. The problem with it is that our wives or our husbands can replace God in our hierarchy of love, affection and devotion. I see this happening all around. This is the dangerous place to be.......Ok, I'm ready for the windfall...Haha.

Matthew 19:12.....and there are those who have made themselves eunuchs (celibate) for the kingdom of heaven's sake. The one who can accept this should accept this. --Jesus


unknown said...

So did Afghanistan just now get Internet access? I’ve been wondering when you were going to get a blog. Actually I agree with most of your thoughts here. Because of where women fit into the culture in Biblical times, it’s really hard to say. We assume Jesus was single, and that Paul was married (she might have been his “thorn in his flesh”), but there isn’t many references of spouses in the New Testament (specific references that is). Anyway, interesting thoughts.

Jennifer said...

I'm sure you want me to make a comment about this post....

Ordinary Radical said...


Sorry to bring this up, but I had to. Paul was not married. The "thorn" referred to in 2 Cor. 12 is probably eye trouble. In Galatians 4 Paul refers to having eye trouble and that it was a "physical infirmity". Plus, there are other Sciptural references that indicate that Paul was single...check out 1 Cor. 7:8....Just thought I'd share.

unknown said...

Maybe.... BUT, Some believe that Paul was a Sanhedrin or was at least close to it before his conversion. The law required Sanhedrins to be married. Anyway.... "sorry" to bring that up. : ) I won't argue with you though, I'm not the seminary grad.

Pr0f3ss0r said...

but girls smell so good