Friday, December 15, 2006

Part 2 -- "Without A Hitch"

The men. It went as smooth as the first show. Many locals showed up for the event. Again, the Lord shined His mercy and grace upon us....the show went off without a hitch. Even a newcomer, a baby camel, behaved itself. I was able to spend time and entertain some of my local friends.

Empowerment. As the day came to a close the whole expat community was filled with joy. No doubt, it was the result of the Spirit shining upon us all day! Never has an event created such a buzz..around local circles and expat circles.

May God's glory increase....


Jennifer said...

I recognize you in this because of your shoes. Nice.

So glad to see that this was a blessed time, and glorifying no doubt.

John Lynch said...

Beauty, bro. Eager to hear how the seeds grow & how the movement stirs in coming days & weeks!